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KCTC creates a safe and healthy workplace.

With your safety always as our top priority, management is fully committed to creating
accident-free workplaces and the finest safety culture in the industry through self-directed health
and safety activities led by all its employees.

Safety and Health management policy

KCTC Co., Ltd. has set protecting the safety and life of its employees and the workers of its contractors as its top priority as well as its fundamental
principle. Therefore, the company must comply with and practice the following safety and health management policies to create healthy workplaces
that are deemed to be extremely safe from occupational accidents and establish a systematic and autonomous health and safety management system for
the achievement of zero hazards and accident-free records in a continuous manner.

  • ·The management must declare the values, goals, and management policies for health and safety and take the initiative, thus sharing with its employees that the top priority value lies in your safety and life and fulfilling such goals.
  • ·It is necessary to scrupulously comply with the relevant laws and regulations associated with health and safety as well as the fundamental principles
    and encourage its employees to develop the sense of safety through education and training on health and safety.
  • ·It is necessary to continuously develop and eliminate the potential hazards and risks, reduce the health and safety risks, and engage in the continuous activities designed to prevent any occupational accidents.
  • · It is necessary for the health and safety management system to create a culture that encourages each other to participate and practice in order to
    ensure that labor and management consult with each other and are involved with the continuous development and to confirm that safety takes root as a cultural practice on a daily basis.