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Ethical Management in Practice / CEO’s Message

Value-based Management Code of Conduct

Ethical Management in Practice / CEO’s Message

For KCTC, a total logistics company, to realize value beyond the logistics industry and gain the customers’ affection, all of our members remain entirely dedicated, in their respective field of competence, towards complying with transparent management and the rule of ethics and fulfill our corporate social responsibility.

In line with the development in the information and communication technology and the rapid globalization of economic activities, at times in which ethical management serves as the standard designed to evaluate one’s global competitiveness, ethical management has now become the social responsibility of companies, rather than a simple option, and is poised to be the essential element for the corporate ESG management.

KCTC formulated the rule of ethics and the code of ethics in 2008, which as of now remain highly effective, to employ the management goals set towards customer satisfaction and transparent management, and as part of its internal whistle-blowing system, the company fully leverages its in-house scheme to allow its employees to voice their complaints. The company also continues to pave the way for preventing unethical practices that may take place either inside or outside the organization and creating an upright and clean corporate culture.

Since the value management was adopted in 2012 for the first time among total logistics companies, the organizational members have redefined their vision, mission, and core values, of their own accord, and as the program designed to add value remains accessible throughout the year, the company has unveiled the behavioral commitment for all of its members, which have been fully observed to this date.

Going forward, all of our employees will continue to strive to comply with the code of ethics, starting with the most minute of details, and to help the customers succeed and contribute to the prosperity of society by cultivating a law-abiding spirit and practicing ethical management. Furthermore, we will remain fully committed to enacting growth as a total logistics company trusted by all our stakeholders as well as a global logistics company loved and respected around the world.

Mr. Jun-Hwan Lee, President and CEO of KCTC Co., Ltd. Mr. Jun-Hwan Lee, President and CEO of KCTC Co., Ltd.